Randallstown Car Accident Lawyer

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Randallstown Car Accident Lawyer

randallstown car accident lawyer

Auto accidents are more common than ever. Dealing with the aftermath of car repairs, physical injuries, and the emotional toll are challenging. It can be overwhelming when you throw in legal proceedings, workers’ compensation, and insurance claims. 

If you find yourself struggling after a car accident in Randallstown, Maryland, contact legal representation today so a lawyer can meet your personal injury needs.

This article is to help you know what to do after a personal injury in a Randallstown, MD accident, including when to get a lawyer, identifying the responsible party, common types of injuries, and more.

Why Do I Need a Randallstown, MD or Baltimore Area Car Accident Lawyer?

Accident lawsuits involve intricate legal procedures, from claim filing to dealing with insurance adjusters to negotiating settlements. Those who’ve been hit and suffered injuries often get conflicting advice from the lawyer or lawyers representing other parties.

Without the guidance of a skilled accident lawyer, individuals may find themselves overwhelmed and vulnerable to exploitation. 

Having a Randallstown, MD accident lawyer by your side during court also gives you the best chance of winning the compensation you deserve. Your attorney won’t have any ulterior motives. Accident lawyers prioritize what’s in your best interest and hold the person who caused the accident responsible for the harm they caused.

Finding an experienced attorney immediately following your accident allows them to act quickly on the law and preserve evidence that supports your case. Zirkin & Schmerling Law Office provides expert legal representation to accident victims in Baltimore County, Owings Mills, Baltimore, and surrounding communities.

You can schedule a free consultation with one of our car accident attorneys serving Randallstown, MD online or by calling 410-753-4611.

How Injury Lawyers Prove Fault in Baltimore, Maryland Car Accidents

Determining who is legally responsible for a Maryland car accident is a complex process. Victims of Baltimore accidents may be able to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party or parties seeking compensation for their injuries and expenses caused by the accident. 

Your car crash attorney will collect evidence, including photographs, security and traffic camera video footage, police reports, and cell phone records. Witness reports can provide valuable insight into what happened before, during, and immediately following the collision.

car accident law

If your case goes to Maryland court, your lawyer may arrange expert testimony, an accident reconstruction, or partner with another lawyer in specialized practice areas to support your claims. 

Baltimore, Maryland car accident law is complex. Contact a lawyer who is experienced in helping clients navigate claims, settlements, and court.

Have you been injured in a car accident? Contact a Maryland Lawyer to schedule a free case evaluation.
Zirkin and Schmerling Law
Free Case Evaluation

Brain Injuries and Car Accidents

brain injury

Brain injuries caused by Maryland accidents range from mild bruising and concussions to life-threatening TBIs. Victims suffer from a wide range of debilitating effects, from cognitive impairments to being paralyzed. 

Concussions typically cause temporary symptoms, while more severe injuries like diffuse axonal injuries lead to permanent disabilities or death. 

Treatment and rehabilitation costs of a Traumatic Brain Injury quickly skyrocket, often requiring a multidisciplinary approach involving medical specialists, therapists, and support services. Many victims with severe head and brain injuries never fully return to their pre-accident lifestyle.

Maryland accident victims must seek medical attention and partner with an experienced lawyer to maximize their recovery and quality of life.

Spinal Cord Injuries and Car Accidents

Like brain injuries, spinal cord injuries from car accidents can be mild, moderate, or life-altering injuries. The spinal cord is the main communication pipeline from your brain to every body part, so any injury can be devastating. 

Serious spinal injuries, like those often seen in motorcycle accidents, demand immediate medical attention, follow-up care, and extensive rehabilitation. The physical, emotional, and financial tolls they lead to can be overwhelming, but a good attorney can help reduce the burden on the victim’s families.

A Personal Injury Law Firm, like Zirkin & Schmerling, can help you recover compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and physical adaptations to your home.

Broken Bones and Car Accidents

broken bones in car crash

In the aftermath of a car accident in Maryland, broken bones are a common consequence, varying in severity from simple fractures to complex compound injuries. Motorcycle accidents or auto collisions can shatter bones, causing excruciating pain and impairing mobility.

Fractured bones often require immediate medical attention to set and stabilize them properly. Untreated injuries may cause permanent damage, infection, and even amputation. 

Rehabilitation for broken bones may involve physical therapy to regain strength and range of motion, as well as occupational therapy to relearn daily tasks impacted by the injury. Surgical intervention may be necessary for severe fractures to ensure proper alignment and healing.

Soft Tissue Injuries and Car Accidents

Soft tissue injuries from accidents can include whiplash, sprains, strains, and tears to muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They can be incredibly painful and debilitating. Recovery can happen but is typically lengthy and expensive, even for minor injuries.

Treatment includes rest, physical therapy, pain management techniques, and, in some cases, surgical intervention if you’ve suffered a tear. Seek medical evaluation following any collision, as even seemingly minor injuries can worsen over time if left untreated.

Randallstown, MD Car Accident FAQs

There are common questions about legal rights and responsibilities following a car accident. Our experienced car accident lawyers created this list of FAQs to help you make informed decisions about how to proceed.

How Do I Choose The Right Baltimore Accident Lawyers?

legal matters

The right Baltimore area car accident lawyer will help you navigate the legal system, but how do you know who to choose? Start by evaluating each attorney’s experience, expertise, and track record of winning cases. You can find this information on their website or by scheduling free consultations with each law office. 

Always verify what the injury lawyers tell you. Review testimonials and the injury lawyers’ Better Business Bureau rating. Communication skills with clients are essential, so pay attention to how quickly the law firm responds to your request. 

Skilled personal injury lawyers help you receive the maximum compensation for serious injuries while you focus on healing.

Who Is Responsible for a T-Bone Car Accident?

t bone accidents

T-bone accidents, also called broadside collisions, happen when two vehicles travel perpendicularly. The front of one vehicle strikes the driver or passenger side of the second vehicle. T-bone accidents can be severe and leave occupants of both vehicles seriously injured. 

Determining liability for a T-bone accident under Maryland law requires a car accident attorney to investigate the circumstances thoroughly. 

Your car accident attorney will identify who had the right of way, contributing to road conditions, and any violation of laws such as failure to yield, speeding, or distracted driving. 

How Long Do I Have To File a Lawsuit in Randallstown, Owings Mills, Glen Burnie, Baltimore, or Baltimore County?

Understanding the statute of limitations is crucial. In Maryland, the statute of limitations on car accidents is typically three years from the accident date. For fatal accidents, families have three years from the date of death to file a wrongful death suit. 

If you fail to file a lawsuit within the timeframe mandated by law, you forfeit your right to seek compensation from the responsible party.  Seeking legal advice promptly after a Maryland car accident is essential to avoid missing paperwork deadlines and facing severe consequences.

What Types of Compensation Can I Receive After a Car Accident?

If your injuries are due to someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible for one or more types of compensation. Economic and non-economic damages may help offset a car accident’s physical, emotional, and financial impact.

A car accident attorney can help you seek compensation for:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost Wages (money you didn’t earn because you were injured)
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Property Damage
  • Loss of Earning Capacity
  • Loss of Consortium
  • Disability and Disfigurement
  • Emotional Distress
  • Punitive Damages
  • Funeral Expenses

What Role Does the At-Fault Driver’s Insurance Company Play?

The at-fault driver’s insurance company typically handles the insurance claim and compensates the injured party. The company may also negotiate with the injured party or their legal representative to settle to minimize their financial liability. 

However, be careful about interactions with the responsible driver or their representative. Anything you agree to can be legally binding, even if you don’t understand your rights. This is where you need the support of a car accident attorney who is well-versed in car accident cases. 

Talk to accident lawyers before negotiating with anyone from the insurance company to ensure you receive fair and adequate compensation.

How Long Does it Take Accident Lawyers to Close a Car Accident Case?

personal injury cases

Some personal injury cases resolve in a few months, while others take years in court.

Legal matters related to motor vehicle accidents may settle quickly if there’s abundant evidence against the other driver. Typically, the more complex a case is, the longer it will take to agree on a compensation package. When parties aren’t willing to settle, you will go to court. 

The skill of your car accident attorney will heavily influence how quickly a settlement will happen.

car accident lawyers

Hire an Experienced Randallstown Car Accident Lawyer to Get the Compensation You Deserve

Zirkin & Schmerling Law Office is dedicated to providing expert advice to accident and medical malpractice victims in Randallstown, Maryland, Baltimore County, Glen Burnie, Owings Mills, Baltimore, and surrounding communities.

If you or a loved one are the victim of an accident, a Zirkin & Schmerling personal injury attorney can help you through this difficult time. 

Contact us today at 410-753-4611 for a free consultation to discuss the specifics of your car accident injuries.